Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Past Week In Education

We've done so many things this past week... and I have been so bad about writing them down. :-(

Most recently... Tuesday in fact, we did Goldilocks and the Three Bears again. Reagan really loves the version of the story that our library has, and is going to be so disappointed when we have to return it this week. We read the story and made Mama Bear's Porridge Cookies at her request. I will make sure to post the recipe, as well as the edition of the book before we have to return it in a couple days.
The best part of helping make cookies!That night, Adam was wondering where his cookies were!
We did a day where we learned about transportation last week. The main thing we did was to make a collage and talk about different types of transportation. Reagan told me which each item was, and a little about it as she glued them down, and then we made a list of all the kinds of transportation she could think of. This was reinforced at the fair as we discovered another kind of transportation... tractors!
We went to the county fair, and used it as a great hands on learning experience about farm animals. Reagan was full of questions and answers about the many animals in the live stock exhibit. She was also very interested in the Farmer For A Day program, and practiced counting to one by collecting one of each of the different items. It was a great learning experience about where our food comes from and how it grows. And although it was a little tough to get her started on it, she was able to figure out where to look for the things she needed by us asking her questions. She was very proud to have gotten a ribbon for being such a good farmer, and it is now hung on her bedroom wall next to her gymnastics medal.

Reagan also drew this picture last week.. I think it pretty much speaks for itself... this is the first time she has done anything clearly like this... all of the labeling was done based on where she said things were.
Our work on understanding change, reversible change, irreversible change, and transformation is continuing. There are about 5 episodes of Sid the Science Kid that deal with these topics together and separately. It's great to watch along with activities, and to use for review. Reagan has started requesting the show, and usually sits and really concentrates the entire time. Every day she makes sure to water the seeds we planted, and has noticed that some look like they are starting to sprout. It's such an amazing experience for her, and she's really enjoying it.

A couple other things we do daily, and writing in her joural.. a "free write" while I'm getting her school things set up. She has a notebok, and can write or draw whatever she wants in there. Then she tells me what it is, or about it. We also always talk about the weather. Reagan has become quite the weather expert... telling us weather changes throughout the day. The other day she even got philisophical with it, stating about tomorrow, "It might be a sunny day, it might be a rainy day, but it'll be a day." We also always to slate time where she practices writing numbers and letters on her dry erase slate, or in her dry erase slate book. I'm hoping we can develop more of these good practice routines that teach a lot, and that Reagan seems to really enjoy! :-)

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