Saturday, September 13, 2008

Oh So Behind on This

Wow, it's kind of embarrassing how far behind I am on blogging about school activities. We've been doing some un-schooling recently, and that may be a contributing factor. It is fun, but Reagan really misses doing her school work on a regular and scheduled basis, so I'm going to be working on some solid lesson plans and getting back to that some here in the very near future.

We have discovered a new TV series that Reagan loves and has been introducing her more to some basic science ideas. It's called Sid the Science Kid, and airs on PBS in the mornings just before one of her other favorites, Super Why! I'm really looking forward to building some lesson plans around the shows since they talk about concepts, and then give you some really great, simple projects that you can do with your own child. We were doing this a little with Super Why as well, but have had some problems with finding the stories at our public library.. quite a disappointment.

One of the things that we have been learning about recently is Halloween. I know it may seem a little early for Halloween, but all the books were available now, and as the holiday gets closer, there choices will me much slimmer. So we took them all out, and have been reading all kinds of different Halloween stories. Reagan is very excited about it, and understanding a little bit about the holiday has helped her to decide what she would like to be this year. She's decided to be Cleo the poodle from the Clifford series , and Adam is going to e Clifford. Of course there are no Cleo costumes out there, so I'm going to have to make one. I like doing this.. but was hoping for something a little easier this year. lol

Reagan has also been enjoying doing more cooking, and is really excited about the tomatoes and peaches that we have been harvesting out of the back yard!

Although we haven't done a lot of worksheets recently, Reagan have been practicing in her slate book. She now can write several more letters. She now can do; W, M, O, X, I, J and V, and has done a D. She's been working on some other ones as well, and is really excited to practice her letters. It's also been a huge accomplishment for her recently that she can sing the alphabet without mistakes every time! She loves singing the alphabet, and an array of other songs including 50s rock and country tunes. lol

We also recently found a frog in the front yard, and have been doing some bug explorations; looking at different bugs outside, and talking about them. We've looked at grasshoppers, listened to cicadas, and are currently keeping a now pupated caterpillar. Lots of fun!

I promise I will try to update more often!!! Sorry it's been so long, but it surely hasn't been because we're not doing things or learning.

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