Saturday, September 27, 2008


We've been working on cleaning up the classroom the last couple of days, and I must say that I'm a little overwhelmed. Not the daunting task of homeschooling two kids though. The thing I'm having difficulty with is the massive amount of material we have. I've been trying to organize things so that we can find them when we need them and such... and we just have so much! I think I had less things that were so far ahead it would be easier. We have high school and college level texts! I don't have anywhere else to store them... so they are weighing things down and making ti hard to make the preschool and grammar school materials organized and easily accessible. I don't think I want to get rid of the materials as we may need them at some point... but I just don't know how to make the room function for us. It doesn't help that Adam's eventual twin size bed is stored in there right now either. There's no other place to store that really either though. I think part of why I haven't been as good about getting lesson plans and such done is simply because it's so hard to see what we have, and get things organized. It ends up being so much more work than it should be! Anyway.. I need to to get back to that and see if I can't get it a little more organized. Any thoughts or comments on this problem would be much appreciated!

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