Saturday, September 27, 2008

Caterpillars and Dinosaurs!

Last night we found some caterpillars in our back yard, so Reagan is keeping one in a bug box in the classroom so that we can watch it . She's familiar with the process of how a caterpillar changes into a butterfly, but it's always fun to get to watch!
Daddy has a vacation coming up, and we're going camping. Reagan is really excited to go camping, and was asking several times a day if we could go yet. We even drove to the camp site (it's quite near where we live) the other day and looked around to get an idea of where we would like to get our spot. Reagan counts to 10 easily, and know many other number, though not all in order. So we thought she might have fun counting down the next 10 days until we go camping! I wtore the number on sticky notes for her and she put them in order from 1 to 10. Now each day we will count backwards 1 until it's time to go camping!Last night Reagan chose a sheet of Barney stickers as her potty prize, but she wasn't allowed to open it until today. She was so excited by them we took the opportunity to learn about dinosaurs today. Mommy made a dinosaur coloring sheet.. stegosaurus by request! Then wrote DINO in the corner, and Reagan copied it. Here are her coloring, and "DINO."Regan has been using an empty container as a drum, so to tell it apart from the newly emptied ones that are trash, we did a bit of art today and wrapped the drum. Reagan decided she wanted to draw lollipops on it so that became the theme. She did a great job maing circles with lines for sticks! Drawing actual things instead of ust coloring or scribbling (other than letters) is something pretty new for her, and we're very excited about it!We have also started receiving some great educational magazines recently. Yesterday we sat down and read through the entire first issue of Your Big Backyard that arrived. We learned about chipmunks, Reagan helped read a short story.. telling me which words the pictorials represented, and finally read a story about a groundhog going into hibernation.

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