Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Orange, Green and Purple

Today was another color day. The plan is to get through those first, and then move on to some other things. :-) Today we covered orange, green, and purple. Of course when I was prepping last night I found that in the 5 or 6 different packs of colored paper I have (some of which are rand new) I had not 1 sheet of orange construction paper!!! I had had one, but cut part of it for a collage last week... thinking that of course the other newer packs would have orange. Reagan did well doing the collages anyway, though, and we saved the orange pictures to glue on an orange paper later when we find one!

Along with the collages we did three worksheets, read a book about colors, practiced writing "O" for orange, and did mini 2-piece puzzles to practice matching color splotches to the correct names. Reagan did all of the puzzle by herself, only needing help with new colors like tan and maroon.

The really exciting thing today was our snack. We made painted toast. I got the idea from an online home school for preschool group that I've joined. I of course hadn't written the exact directions down, and when you're 2 year old is ready to go, it's not the best time to say wait, mommy needs to look this up on the internet. So... based on what I remembered we made it this way;
Rainbow Painted Bread
What you need:
several slices of bread (white bread works best- all we had that was white was hamburger buns!)
food coloring
small bowls
cutting board
baking pan
pastry brush

Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Put the cutting board down as the child's work surface. Put two drops of food coloring in each of your small bowls for however many colors you want. (Make colors you don't have- like purple- by putting one drop of each color that goes into the color you want. We made orange, green and purple.) Add a small amount of milk- 1/4 cup or less- to each bowl and mix until evenly colored. Make sure you have one bowl set aside with some water in it for rinsing the brush between colors. Allow the child to use pastry brush to paint their bread to their liking! Place masterpieces onto baking pan and toast in the oven for about 15 minutes. LEt cool to eating temperature and enjoy!

Pictures from our snack making!
The painting begins!

The masterpieces about to go into the oven!

Yummy! Enjoying our color themed bread with oranges and milk for snack.

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