Saturday, July 19, 2008

One Day Off, And One Day On Deedle Deedle Dumpling

We took a day off yesterday because Reagan wasn't feeling well. Instead of schooling we took a bath. Hooray for getting clean!

So today we did the work we had been planning to do yesterday, and then some! I asked her if she wanted to do school work, and she was quite excited to have our time in the class room. She completed every activity and worksheet I had planned, and then asked to do more school work! We were doing matching organizing and separating. Matching upper and lower case letters, separating them, separating big and small etc. I actually wasn't prepared for the hands on sorting activity I had planned so we did skip that one. But instead, we went though her Sesame Street alphabet cards and she told me what letter each of the words started with. She still wanted more, so we read two books, worked on learning our address (she knows it reasonably well but keeps forgetting the first number of our house number,) drew a picture (circle and a letter R- she chose what to draw, and did it all by herself!,) and played Play Doh. She is also getting very good at putting away her things in her pencil box. She knows what goes in there, and what things we need for which activities. She also really good about getting it out only during school time, and putting it away right where it goes! She wanted to do more school work then even, but I needed to make a run to the grocery store before a party this afternoon. I convinced her to come saying we would get a special treat at the store... and we did... a new book Little People School Bus Lift-A-Flap. She was so excited about it she was trying to read it while we walking around the store and kept bumping into things.

Right now I only have one day ahead of lesson plan left, so I may need to go work on writing up more tonight! It makes me so happy and proud to see how much she is learning and how much she is loving "school."

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