Sunday, July 27, 2008

Cider Ciders

We've been a little behind on our schooling the end of this week since we've had so much to do! We finished up our colors on Thursday with 2 worksheets and 2 collages. Then Friday we took a trip to the library and learned about that. Reagan was able to relate an episode of Calliou and a Sesame Street book to the experience and talked about it a lot. We completely missed schooling yesterday just because the timing didn't work out, but Reagan kept asking to do school work.

Today we learned about fire fighters (Reagan says it cider ciders), and basic emergency information. It is the beginning of doing some learning about different jobs. We watched an episode of Fireman Sam this morning before breakfast. Then we we started school time I asked Reagan some general questions about Fireman Sam and fire fighters and we wrote down what she had to say. We wore fire hats, played with mini fie fighter figures, and read a book about calling 911, and The Sesame Street Firehouse. We also talked about what to do if there's a fire in our house, and did a fire drill. We're going to need more work on this, but it was a good start. Hopefully I'll get a chance to print out a couple of coloring pages from the Fireman Sam website. There are some other fun activities on there that I think would e good for when she is older. Plus possibly doing a dress the firefighter thing where you glue the clothes and gear on.

We also finally got some orange construction paper. Who knew it would be so hard to find!?! With it complete, and after finally picking up some more push pins, we were able to complete our rainbow of collages on the wall! Reagan's really excited to see her work up on the wall, and loves reviewing the colors this way. (They're across the top.)

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