Thursday, July 17, 2008

Letters O and W

Today we did the letters O and W. Two letters that Reagan has had some success with writing on her own before. (Some samples of ones she did all by herself today!)

We did a wipe of book page, a regular workbook page, practice writing paper for the two letters, as well as an O and W word chart. We also did an activity where we went through her basket of shoes and matched them into pairs to practice the number 2. This of course turned into a practice putting on shoes session. :D

The worksheet. Reagan did an excellent job connecting the things with lines. She's been able to draw a somewhat straight line for awhile now, but has never had the control to do this sort of thing. Her abilities to apply these skills now that she's been asked to are just amazing. Not only is she connecting with lines like this, she can also circle objects reasonably well!

For the chart she wrote each of the letters up top, next to ones that I had written, and selected the correct images for each with very little help. This was also the second day of doing all of her gluing by herself! We're so proud of her gluing skills!

Then it was time for some fun, and we did a large painting with Color Wonder paints that Reagan earned from doing her chores last week. After a lot of hard work we had an O and W snack of mini waffles, and mandarin orange slices. Yummy!

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