Friday, June 12, 2009

We started out the day by picking our new chapter book: Swiss Family Robinson. Then Reagan asked to read The Berenstain Bears Learn About Strangers. While the kids had sine along and dance time with their favorite music, I got out some workbooks to try and plan some activities for this afternoon. Reagan saw them, and insisted on on working on right right away. Of course it was a 1st grade workbook. She did well with the first page, and we got through the second, but this one just requires more reading than she can do right now. So I finally convinced her to switch over to a Pre-K Carebears workbook that she had done a page each in last September and November. The difference in her abilities is of course HUGE. She sat and did 5 pages on her own while I made lunch.

After lunch Adam took a nap, and we completed the Care Bears Preschool Workbook. Then Reagan decorated her treasure box for keeping special things in. We put the box up to dry and sat down to rea the first chapter of Swiss Family Robinson. After reading we worked with a set of Food and Nutrition basic classifying cards. When we were done with this I needed a break, so Reagan went off to read with her Leap Pad.

Reagan's decorated treasure box:

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