Sunday, June 14, 2009

Spanish Begins

Today while cleaning in the morning I put on one of Reagan's Spanish learning CDs. She did every well with the first and second lessons. We repeated the first one 3 times, and the second one quite a few times as well. After that she listened, but wasn't repeating as much. However... the program is designed to be interactive, so you;re supposed to be doing things along with what they're saying, to help you learn the words. So of course since Juan said to make paper plate maracas, we had to do it!

Photos of their maracas. Reagan's is has a picture of a pizza with black olives on it on the front. The back of hers ended up being another pizza with olives that she drew, but didn't like.. which is why she made this one. I thought she wanted her original plate she had colored as the back since she was quite disgusted with the first pizza. But as you can see it's in the upper left corner, and ended up not being used on the maraca.

We didn't do any other really structured activities. But Reagan played with her Leap Pad a bunch, and did her alphabet train puzzle. I also got her project patch from Lowes sewn on her apron, and she was thrilled.

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