Monday, June 8, 2009

Some of Last Week's Learning

Reagan was a super big helper with setting up our new vegetable garden! She helped move rock, and turn the soil, and plant the plants, and of course water! She's really excited to watch the plants grow. We planted zucchini, pumpkins, eggplant, tomatoes and peppers. We also got out compost bin started once we had the garden planted. We found a worm while planting out plants and Reagan got to hold it, and then add it to the bin. She's extremely enthusiastic about feeding the worm, and is always asking what kinds of things he would like to eat. :-)

Reagan's radishes. She's very proud of having planted these, and taking care of them. She waters them herself, and is so excited to watch them grow.

We made an egg shell planter based on the one done of Sprout's goodnight show. Reagan has been asking to do some of the crafts they do on the show, so we started with this one. She made scrambled eggs all by herself one morning, and we saved this shell for her to make into the planter. She planted chives in it, and we're looking forward to them sprouting soon. Oh and regarding the eggs... she cracked them and put them in the pan, and stirred them the whole time until they were cooked herself to make a surprise breakfast for daddy. She was so proud!

Wooden stakes for the garden! Reagan had a lot of fun coloring these, but so save her clothes and the counter I gave her washable markers to do the coloring. Now I have to think of a way to seal them quick before it rains and all the colors start running! Oops!

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