Monday, November 17, 2008

Today's Work

Today we did some more clean up in our classroom.. stacking the desks to give us more space to play... since we don't need those for awhile yet. lol If I could I think I would just put them in the attic to make more space for the kids in there right now. Then again we still have Adam's bed in there also and he shows no signs of leaving his crib any time soon. lol We also did several pages of a Carebears Preschool Workbook. Reagan wanted to do more, and I had to explain to here that we couldn't because she prefers to scribble than try to follow lines and the rest of the pages require her to trace numbers and then to write them herself.. which she simply can't do. She also enjoy a raisin and Cheerio snack with her pattern books for each. Those sure are a lot of fun! We still have some problems with putting the real raisins on top of the pictures or raisins, instead of mimicking those patters at first... but it all works out! I'm hoping to do some more Thanksgiving projects and such over the next week and a half. Guess I better get started on that! Check back to see what we've done!

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