Sunday, November 9, 2008

Of Mice and Barney

This week Reagan started playing her Dragon Tales computer game. At first she was just doing the work, but mommy was working the mouse. As she showed some interest we worked on one of the activities that gave her good mouse practice without failing at an activity for lack of mouse control. She picked it up very quickly, and can now navigate her way around the game and do most of the activities on her own until she gets fatigued. She's doing so well with it! The game is actually rated for ages 4-6, and there are a couple things that are challenging for her, but nothing she can't do! We probably should have started out with one of her other games that are more targeted to her age group, but this is the one she really wanted to do!

Yesterday we did school work, and did 6 pages form her Barney workbook by special request. We covered shapes and colors... all things that she knows, but she had a great time practicing. And worked on a new skill of actually drawing some shapes other than circles.

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