Sunday, July 20, 2008

Red, Yellow, Blue

I had a lot of things planned for today, and really thought that it might be too much. But with Reagan's recent enthusiasm we ended up doing everything planned and more! Today was the colors red, yellow and blue. We did 4 worksheets, 3 collages, 2 sets of car matching games, read a book, did a scavenger hunt, and had a color themed snack. Those were the planned activities. Then we also did Play Doh, and were going to do some coloring, but Reagan said her tummy hurt again, so we watched an episode of Super Why instead.

I won't bore you with uploads of the worksheets. One was matching colors, and then there was one each for our focus colors today. Reagan did really well with them and is getting increasingly better with circling objects, and drawing lines between them.

Here are some pictures of our collages The idea is to make them for every color we do, and out them up on the wall in the classroom, so that eventually we have an entire rainbow set.

After the collages, we did the worksheets, and then used some Sesame Street flash cards to play a couple of games. It's a set that covers, shapes, colors and opposites. We used the color/shape cards and practiced sorting them by matching the colors, and then y matching the shapes. Preliminary shapes went really well, but the pentagon, hexagon, and octagon got confusing. Reagan is only used to pentagons, so having so many different multi sided shapes was a challenge. Then we did a scavenger hunt, looking around the classroom for things that were red, yellow, or blue. When we were done we sorted all the items by color.

Reagan asked to do some Play Doh, so we chose a color that was one of the ones we were learning about, and she got to pick out Play Doh cookie cutters that were those colors too. For snack we were going to do a bread painting project, but I didn't plan well enough and couldn't find the food coloring. So instead we had yellow bananas, red strawberries, and blueberries. While I went to get snack ready Reagan cleaned up and put away her Play Doh all by her self without even being asked! Every day she's gotten so much better and has shown at least one new, or improved skill. We're all quite enthusiastic to continue! And of course when Adam got up form his nap, he wanted to get in on the color learning action too!

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