Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's Rainy Today

I hadn't been planning to be schooling 7 days a week. In fact I think that's a little much at this age, but Reagan insists. Yesterday daddy was home and Reagan had her gymnastics class in the morning. But when daddy left for a dentist appointment in the afternoon, and Adam went to take a nap, she insisted we do school work! Of course, since I was planning a day off, I hadn't done any of the lesson plans for this week yet! But I managed to throw something together, and we had a good time.

Reagan was excited that it was raining, and has been very interested in the rain, hail, etc that we have gotten recently, so we did some studies on weather. First we talked about weather and started our (now) daily weather predictions on the pocket chart.

We did a home-made worksheet on identifying what things are weather, or have to do with weather (cloud, sun, rain etc.) And did a collage (one of Reagan's favorite things to do) where she glued rain drops under one cloud and snow flakes under another, using verbal numeric directions. She did so well with that! I think it was a good way to help work on listening skills further, as well as focusing on the weather, and of course the counting and number recognition math aspects. (I know this one really isn't a collage, but that's what Reagan calls any paper gluing craft at the moment. :-P)

Then Reagan drew a picture of some weather and told me about it. :-) Reagan wanted to do more of course, so we worked with an alphabet set that's on the wall, practicing singing the song, remembering which letter came next, and then matching words that began with the letters to the letters. She did a great job with this, and did very well matching the puzzle pieces for the letter with the pictures. I think it was extremely successful for having been completely impromptu.

This was our first day where Adam was awake for any of our school time. In fact he didn't nap very long and was with us most of the time. We had some challenges because he wanted to participate in the coloring and worksheets, but he did have some nice time reading his books too. It was quite a challenge to keep him otherwise occupies, and I hope he continues with such a god nap schedule so for a while so that we can get as much school work done as Reagan is wanting.

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