Monday, April 29, 2013

Science in a Song

On the way to school today I hear my oldest rapping in the back seat... turns out this is what she was singing

In looking trying to find it I also found this one

Which of course ended up wormhole-ing me to this one:

Too bad I didn't find these when I was studying for my cell exam!  Would have been a fun addition to my studying!

Also because I'm making this random post of awesome science song videos I'm going to include this one.  My baby girl #1 knows this entire thing and is singing it at her school closing ceremonies this month with her class.  I'm also proud to say that when they introduced it to the last she already knew who several of the people were in it, and came home all excited telling me about it!

Now it's time to get back to all those final projects I have to get completed in the next week!

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