Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Update... Again

I really need to make a concerted effort for keep this more up to date!

We have completed reading The Secret Garden, and are now about half way through The Wizard of Oz, and Finding Nemo, both of which Reagan is quite enthusiastic about. Reagan has some Wizard of Oz dolls, and I've been planning to do some play with her, with those relating to our reading.. but we just haven't gotten there yet. She has been working on learning more states, working on lots of reading with her Poingo and Leap Frog. Thanks to Oma for a new Poingo book.. Reagan loves reading them all! We had a great educational, and FUN experience at the Phoenix Zoo on Sunday this week and Reagan had a great time identifying the animals. Monday we ready 3 chapters of Oz, 1 of Nemo, she did her karate video, we did coloring, and worked with Play Doh. We've really been trying to work with Play Doh more recently since it is such a different type of skill, and I am using it to introduce cutting to her. she loves to practice with her Play Doh scissors.. the safest kind of scissors out there in my opinion! It's one of the few skills I really think she needs work on right now. That and small motor control for writing are her biggest challenges for sure!

I promise to try and update more often!

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