Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Classics

I've probably already said this about a hundred times, but... Reagan just LOVES to learn! She;s been working on learning the states, and yesterday names 8 from memory on her own, and another 8 with clues (like this is were daddy was born.) She can consistently name at least a dozen when we do this, and probably knows almost half of them now. She also loves reading books! She spends a lot of her time reading Leap Pad and Poingo books on her own, and loves having chapter books read to her. We've read Finding Nemo twice, and The Secret Garden. Just today we finished The Wizard of Oz (we read the last 4-6 chapter- I lost count!) Then she picked the next book to read: The Jungle Book. We read 3 chapters of that before I noticed that the previous owner had not only written in the book, but had cut out about the last 10 pages. :-( Guess we'll have to borrow this one from the library or try to find a complete copy. We have a bunch more illustrated classics to read, and then we'll move on to come more contemporary works that should be fun.. like Beverly Cleary. I'm sure there's more to add, but she's asking to do worksheets now, so I have to end here! :-)

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