Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Ride on the Magic School Bus

My kids absolutely LOVE this show. I would definitely recommend it for grade school science! Reagan has been reading the books, and saw on some that it said there was a TV series. I don't think it runs on TV anymore.. at least it doesn't seem to here.. so we borrowed all of the available ones from the library. Of course, we have been so busy doing things that we haven't had a chance to watch them yet, and they're due back in a couple of days. So today was Magic School Bus Day! I was sure Reagan would love them, but wasn't so sure about Adam. Not to worry though, he is captivated. Even Catie sat in her Bumbo munching Cheerios and happily watching with them. they watched 3 episodes about bugs, and learned a lot about bees and butterflies. Then they watched one about the human body, and learned why they get sick, and how their body fights infection. Next it was time to learn about the water cycle! I definitely think that planning some hands on activities ahead and rewatching these would be great. Also having the books on hand to reference information while doing activities. And possibly even coupling them with Sid the Science Kid when appropriate. (The kids also watched ones about the ocean.) And in the afternoon Reagan finished reading the Magic Tree House adventure where they go to Pompeii! :-) Nothing to structured today, but lots of learning nonetheless.


Rebecca said...

Netflix also has them! But only on DVD so you have to wait for them.

Rebecca said...

Netflix also has them! But only on DVD so you have to wait for them.