Monday, August 6, 2012

So it's been almost a year since I posted on here.. I've been a little busy though...

Today is the kids first day of school for the year at the Montessori School.  It may seem somewhat confusing that this is a home schooling blog, and that I have children who attend a public school.  I get that.  We do home schooling as well as the regular school.  There are a couple of reasons for this.  The most important reason is that the kids LOVE it.  Another big reason is that I really believe in teachable moments and that almost everything in life is a learning experience.  So today my oldest starts 2nd grade and my second is starting Kindergarten!

Today in their lunches I'm sending along a note for each of them to let them know that we're thinking about them, and how proud we are of them.  I got these card last year and love them for kids for all kinds of events at school.. spelling test, student of the week, end of the school year, or just because!  They're made just for kids and are really great quality because they're done by Hallmark, but not too pricey (2/ $1.00 if I remember correctly), and are smaller so they are prefect for little hands and fitting in lunch bags.  Of course if you're crafty, you can make them too!

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