Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Saturday School

Since my oldest two will be starting regular school next Monday, I've been working on coming up with a good scheduled time to continue our home schooling adventures around their school schedule, and my crazy 2 kids still at home schedule. My oldest will be in school 5 days a week, and the second will be in pre-K 3 days a week. Daddy is usually home from work on Sundays, so it makes sense to do our intensive home schooling stuff on Saturdays. Soccer games will be starting on Saturdays next month, but that's only the mornings, so hopefully we can continue with projects in the afternoons them. My plan is to post a weekly post here that covers what we have done and how my kids have been doing at school as well as at home, as well as a second weekly post that covers our major study activities so that others can do soem of the same things that we are. I'm a big believer in learning everyday skills, especially cooking, and think they are a great way to incorporate math and science into our children's daily learning diet. It is for this reason that I am planning to start out our Saturday schooling with learning in the kitchen. I'll be posting recommended reading along with activities and at least one recipe. I hope that our learning is fun, and that some of you find it helpful for yourselves as well! (I'm hoping to do our first activities this Saturday, so look for a posting Sunday, or the beginning of next week with all the details!)

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