Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Week In Review

This last week Reagan's been doing a great job on her school work, and has made some great progress with her math. Adding larger numbers is becoming easier, and her handwriting has been improving vastly. Adam started doing workbooks at home this week. HE had been doing some before that were, "stick this sticker there" type direction following activities, but this was his first real workbook work. Based on some of the work he did on his Jr. Ranger program at Walnut Canyon, I thought he might be ready to do some of this type of work, and he loved it! He did a great job of identifying colors, matching colors, circling objects and connecting the dots. He was doing a fantastic job with controlling his crayon or pencil doing those activities, but is still a wild color-er. hehe

Reagan's been having a lot of fun learning about the first Thanksgiving at school, and loved reading The Magic Treehouse: Thanksgiving on Thursday at home. She's been especially excited about it since we can trace our family back to people who were there! She's been really bummed however that she won't get to be part of the Thanksgiving potluck at school since it's going to be held on a day that she doesn't go. I'm going to be planning some fun Thanksgiving activities for that day at home so I'm sure we'll still have a great time!

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