Friday, October 22, 2010

Getting Caught Up (Again)

I keep getting so far behind on this! Let's give it another go!

Updates on where we are now:

Currently Catie is learning to crawl, starting to self-feed baby crackers and such, and is just exploring the world around her. (Though her big brother insists they watch Your Baby Can Read together at least once a week, we don't plan on any real schooling with her for a long time- but every thing we do is a learning experience, and we love seeing her just take it all in.) Favorite books right now are her picture book made for her by her brother and sister as a gift when she was born- she loves to look at their pictures and drawings, and anything that looks good to chew on.

Currently Adam has started doing some workbooks and LOVES it. He can read some sight words, can count 1-10 no problem, and can get to 20, he knows all of his letters, and is working on letter sounds, he absolutely LOVES to spell, knows his colors, shapes, bigger and smaller etc. Favorite books right now are: Cars- The Spooky Noise, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, and pre-1 level readers.

Currently Reagan has started pre-K at the school that she will be attending elementary school. They would like to move her ahead, but state law prohibits it because of her age. She doesn't mind, and is very happy getting to play with other kids her age and do crafts and music and such. Along with those she loves learning new words in sign language and Spanish at school. We continue to do schooling at home, where she is working on a 2nd grade level now. She has recently learned to alphabetize and is working on adding larger numbers and beginning multiplication. She LOVES to read, and recently made the jump to completely silent reading. Favorite books right now are The Magic Treehouse, The Magic School Bus, Berenstain Bears, anything with lots of fun facts! Reagan is quite interested in volcanoes, a fascination which influences her reading of course. She's been concerned since we live near a dead volcano, and she has read a lot about Pompeii and that the people who lived there had thought that Mt Vesuvius was dead before it erupted. She was also concerned about if it would be safe to visit Sunset Crater (a future trip), and whether there would be ash that we should worry about. She loves doing science experiments at home- we have made our own bouncy balls, and are about to do a recycled paper lab. Also in planing are a hovercraft lab, and a tornado lab. We've been keeping up with her school work by doing a couple worksheets a day when she isn't in pre-school, and by doing lots of hands on!

Right now we are reading Bunnicula together for bedtime and the kids are quite enjoying it, especially with Halloween coming up, and since they've expressed an interest in having a bunny since we saw them at the county fair (Adam has also asked for a miniature cow ???) We participated in the fair this year as well. It was a great experience for the kids, and they're very proud of the ribbons that they earned for their work. They were also super proud of the ribbons that were earned by mommy and Oma- especially for quilts they have on their beds, and clothing that was made for them. This was Reagan's second year entering things, and the first year that Adam was old enough. They also participated in the Farmer for a Day program at the fair where they learned about where our food comes from. Reagan's already planning things to work on to enter for next year's fair! lol

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