Sunday, May 16, 2010

Wow, I knew I had been slacking on the posts here,but had no idea it had been 6 months!

I've been planning some summer schooling, and summer camp type activities, and am really excited to get going on them. An update would be so long, I'm just going to jump in where we are now, and move forward.

Right now Reagan is currently over half-way through her first chapter book: The Magic Treehouse; Dinosaurs Before Dark. And is busy working on her reading list to earn a new level 2 Star Wars reader.

Today was popcorn learning day. We made and ate popcorn, and read The Popcorn Book by Tomie de Paola.

This morning we also went for Reagan's first real hair cut, and she decided she wanted to donate to Locks of Love. :-) On the way home we stopped at the car wash- the kids' first time. It was exciting and frightening for them.

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