Saturday, October 11, 2008

Update on the last week!

We finished off last week with doing some more fun Halloween activities, including coloring paper pumpkins, drawing pumpkins, practicing letters etc. Reagan also did several journals.. a favorite of hers. We've watched several different episodes of Super Why and Sid, and did a magnifying glass investigation one day after an episode of Sid.

On Friday we made Witch cake for cousin Maddie's birthday. Cousin Maddie lives in Virginia, but Reagan insisted that since she was turning 3, we needed to make a cake for her. So we did... but made it kind of Halloween themed. Reagan mixed it all up herself, and picked which special pan we would use. Then I decorated it while she was napping.On Saturday Daddy was home! Reagan helped make home-made trail mix for going camping this week! It was also Yukon's graduation from puppy class. To celebrate we took her for a groom before class. Since that takes a while, we headed over to the mall where we got dinner and took the kids to the soft play. It was Adam's first time there since learning to walk, and he had a great time! Reagan had a really good time as well except that little girl bit her on the arm. The girl then bit an older girl and Reagan started lecturing her about how she shouldn't bite people because it's not nice. We got smoothies, and then all went to Yukon's class and got to see her graduate!

On Monday, daddy's vacation started, and we packed up and headed to the lake for some camping!!! It was the first time for both of the kids! Vacation for daddy didn't mean vacation from school though! Reagan made a camp journal while we were there and we learned a little bit about our senses; doing bark rubs and talking about touch and the way different things feel, and their textures, what things we heard, saw and tasted! We took a great nature hike, and also simply had a good time! Thursday and Friday were relaxation days and we really didn't do too much as far as school work. We did watch some Super Why and Sid of course, especially Sids about our senses! We'll be learning more about that this next week hopefully! (For more on camping check my regular blog, and keep an eye out here for photos of Reagan's camp jounrnal!)

Today, by request, we watched Reagn's favorite Sid; The Perfect Pancake! She loves if because the experiment they do is making apple sauce, and she likes doing that. So we made apple sauce today too! We also watched one about science tools and she's asked to get a ruler for her pencil box so that she cna measure things. :-) One of the great things about doing things over and over is that they really start to understand the concept better with the reptition. Reagan can now tell you that to change the apples from hard and difficult to mash, to softer we should heat them up because heat will change them. She also understands that they can not go back from being applesauce to being just apples, and will tell you that this is called irreversible change! So wonderful to see her learning all these great basic scinece concepts. Thanks Sid!

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