Tuesday Reagan did a leaf rub of the leaf with brown crayon and proudly put it up on the refrigerator. We had gymnastics, and she followed well with her class. They didn't split them into 2 groups, so there was plenty of space for Adam to run around and practice his gymnastics too. He's on the wait list still, and is so ready! He can do forward and log rolls with help, and walked on the beam all by himself. He even decided to and did a great job walking backwards on the beam holding hands! We also went to the field and played some soccer. She picked up some basics of the game very quickly, and is extremely enthusiastic for soccer came in July. When we got home from that, her replica jersey from camp had arrived in the mail! Reagan asked if we could restart our current book since we had only read 1 chapter and she couldn't remember what had happened since it had been a few days. So we did, and then we read 4 more! After 5 chapters she wanted to do schoolwork, and I asked if she would like to try sewing like Rebecca does in the book (we're currently reading Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm). She said yes, so I started her on a simple needlepoint project. She's doing wonderfully with it, and did a whole row and a half of stitches with just a little help.
Wednesday we read more, and Reagan requested to work on her sewing more. :-)