I haven't updated this is sooooo long, but it doesn't mean that we haven't been doing anything.
The easiest way to do a quick update is to just list some of the new things Reagan knows/ is learning.
-Continents- thanks to an awesome interactive globe her grandparents gave her for her birthday
-Days of the Week
-Seasons and seasonal changes
-Weather- she's known this for awhile, but now comments on changes during the day etc.
-Planets- she is learning them from a place mat
-Even More Animal names!
-Sight Words! She can recognize and read "Dad" and "Cat"
-Sounding out Words- sounding out and reading other 3 letter words like "Mom" and "Dog"
-Address- the complete thing except zip code
-Where she lives- beyond address, she know she lives in the USA, on North America, on Earth
-Karate- Reagan has started doing a kids karate video at home, and loves it. She like telling people about her sensei lol
-Gymnastics- before she turned 3, Reagan moved up to Tot2, since then she has learned so many new skills including jump cartwheels which she recently mastered
-Time- some days she insists on wearing a watch and reading the number to us throughout the day- she corresponds noon to lunch, and tells us what activities happen during different parts of the day based on light levels- i.e. dark is night and bedtime is soon
-Computer Skills- she learned basic mouse skills last year already by playing her Dragon Tales game, and now can type using letters and numbers on the qwerty keyboard, and knows the space and enter keys- she can type in words if you spell them for her
-Writing- when she decides she wants to do it she can write most letters, and can put them together into words if you spell them for her
-Recognizing spelled words- sometimes she can recognize a word that is spelled out loud, just from hearing the spelling "Z-O-O" is one
-Learning more about animals- which animals are mammals, what makes them mammals , what the baby animals are called etc.
-Reversible and Irreversible Change
-A few US Presidents- she knows Lincoln, and Washington from the coins, and can recognize a few from a place mat
-Letter sounds- Kind of obvious since she sounds out words.. but she knows them all, and will list words that start with a certain letter, or, can figure out what letter a word starts with
-Sign Reading- recognizes and knows what stop signs, and store signs say
-Counting- Probably to 100.. she understands the concept of the 21, 22, etc, and can apply it to the 20s, 30s, 40s, etc.
-Beginning Math Skills- can count and do some basic addition and subtraction, working on less than, and more than counting sets
-Shapes- knows them all- just can't draw many lol
-Shoe Tying- She wants to do this, so we are working on it a little
I'll leave it there for now, though I'm sure I'm forgetting things.
Just in the past couple days we have been reading a new Kids Animal Encyclopedia with her, at her request. She sat and read it with daddy for an hour or more the other day. She got a finger puppet theater for her birthday and LOVES putting on puppet shows. We also recently planted some shamrock seed so they can grow for St. Patrick's Day. Regan loves planting seeds, and can't wait to see them grow! We are planning to start another grow project here soon as well. Regan has also been helping in the kitchen more and more. She made brownies for Valentine's day- mommy just put them in the oven, and the same with biscuits the other night. She also loves helping make Mac and Cheese, and sets the table regularly.
Sorry it's been so long since an update.. I will try to be more diligent in all education matters. :-)