Thursday, September 17, 2009


I keep promising that I'm going to keep up with this, and then keep falling off the wagon. :-( Thankfully, not updating the blog, doesn't mean that we haven't been learning anything! So here are some quick updates:

Adam: Counts to 10, knows most, if not all of his ABCs, and loves to sing along with the song.. his favorite songs are ABCs, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Bah Bah Black Sheep. Adam has also been developing more physical skills; gross motor skills at gymnastics, and fine motor skills building with Duplo blocks, and making lots of scribble pictures. He also loves to dance, and sing along to songs on the radio.

Reagan: What an explosion! She;s just learning to use stencils to draw things, and loves practicing this on her own all the time. The small shapes she draws have also helped her practice coloring in smaller spaces. There has been a lot more actual drawing recently too, and less scribbles, her favorite topics are animals, camping, houses, people, and rainbows. She LOVES doing her Brain Quest cards, but has been flying through the level 5 and 6 year old ones with such ease that we may have to find her a new set soon! She complained to me one day that her preschool workbook was boring and too easy, so I let her pick out a higher level one from our collection. She chose time and money. She still works on the preschool book, but is loving working on some more challenging stuff too. So far she can read all of the times on the hour on the clock, and can count with pennies, and pennies and one nickel. We're working on counting by fives so so can count more nickles, but she does it pretty well with a counting chart. Reagan has also been working very hard on developing better fine motor skills, practicing writing her name, doing pearler beads, beading, and needlepoint. She's very much looking forward to entering her needlepoint work in the county fair in a couple of weeks! She's also become very enthusiastic about learning about the pioneers, her heritage, and nutrition, so we've been trying to work on those things.

One recent activity:
We recently found a very big caterpillar in out back yard that was munching on our veggies, so we kept him in the house in a jar for a couple days. The kids enjoyed getting to see him crawl around at eat things. We read a couple of stories about them and butterflies, including The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Then we made our own caterpillars by coloring pieces of cardboard egg carton and attaching pipe cleaners for antenna. I had a couple other activities planned that we haven't gotten to yet, but hopefully we'll get to do those soon.